Official AGENDA

Thursday, 26.09.2024

Official opening 09:30 A.M

27th Congress of SCTM and Ohrid Climathon 2024 opening (Biljana Hall)

Welcoming Speeches

09:30 A.M - 10:00 A.M - Opening Ceremony


Major of Ohrid, Mr. Kiril Pecakov

Rector of UKIM, Skopje, Prof. d-r Biljana Angelova

Rector of UGD, Stip, Prof. d-r Dejan Mirakovski

Dept. Minister Ane Lashkoska, MOEPP

Dean of FTM, Skopje, Prof. d-r Stefan Kuvendziev

President of SCTM, Prof. d-r Zoran Zdravkovski

President of the congress, Prof. d-r Jadranka Gilev

Satellite event Ohrid Climathon start at Metropol Harbour

10:00 A.M - 10:40 - Plenary Lecturer: Stefano Bellucci

INFN-Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati, Frascati

10:40 A.M - 11:00 A.M COFFEE BREAK

Graphene-Based Nanomaterials for Water Purification

11:00 A.M - 12:30 P.M


Chairperson: D-r Orhideja Tasevska, Director PSI Hydrobiological Institute, Ohrid

Mrs. Anita Kozdoman, Programme Officer – Head of Environment Unit, UNDP

D-r Marijana Milevska, Project Manager, UNDP

Dept. Minister Ane Lashkoska, MOEPP

Mrs. Elena Hadji Pecova, Manager, CEED Hub Skopje

Mrs. Biljana Stefanoska, Director, Agency for Promotion and Support of Tourism

12:30 P.M - 13:00 P.M - Refreshments and snacks on board

Impact of Climate Change on Freshwater Resources and Tourism

(The panel discussions will be held on the Christina Royal boat)

NetZero Cities

13:00 P.M - 15:00 P.M


Panel Chairman Mrs. Kristinka Chulak, President of the Chamber of certified Architects and certified Engineers of the Republic of North Macedonia

Addressing Global Climate Neutral Challenges in construction industry, D-r Natasha Bakreska, Environmental and alternative fuels Manager in Cementarnica Usje A.D. Skopje

Sustainable construction materials supporting the reduction of CO 2 emissions, Prof. d-r Emilija Fidanchevski, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy

Waste management regulation and circular economy, Msc. Ana Karanfilova Maznevska, Head of Department on Waste Management, Ministry of Environment and Physical planning

Smart cities, D-r Anita Koteska, Together 4 Circular

Climathon event Closing session: Anita Koteska Together 4 Circular, EU Climate KIC Partner